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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Title and Abstract
  • Main Manuscript
  • Revised Manuscript (if submitting a revision file)
  • Point-wise Reply to the Reviewer Comments (if submitting a revision file)

Submission of manuscripts to ASJ
Research article in English and in ASJ format can be submitted online. After safe receipt, manuscripts are assigned an identity number (ASJ-19-001) for future correspondence. After submission, the manuscript will be checked for formatting and plagiarism by the Editorial Office followed by evaluation from referees (field experts). The referee(s) opinion and decision of Editor-in-Chief will be considered final. Review process usually take two months and final decision whatsoever is conveyed to the corresponding author. If paper is accepted editor will corresponds to corresponding authors for approval of proofs and submission of copyright form

Files to be uploaded online:

Cover letter: Addressing Editor in Chief of ASJ about originality of work and four to five highlights of research conducted and results obtained.

  • Manuscript main document
  • Referee details document
  • Journal Checklist document