Agricultural Sciences Journal (ASJ)
Agricultural Sciences Journal (ASJ) is an official journal of MNS-University of Agriculture, Multan recognized by HEC as “Y” category and it publishes peer reviewed research articles related to agricultural research and innovations. Contributions to ASJ should be original and not being under consideration elsewhere. Research article are normally sent to referees (experts in the field) after preliminary evaluation by Editor-in-Chief and plagiarism checking. Furthermore, Editor-in-Chief make final decision whether research article should be published or denied to be considered in ASJ after analyzing comments made by referee (s). The corresponding author/s must declare in cover letter to the Editor-in-Chief that the publication of article is approved by all co-authors, if any and its publication has been approved by all related authorities.
Current Issue
Vol. 6 No. 3 (2024): Agricultural Sciences Journal
Published: 2025-01-30